One to One Reformer and Mat Work Pilates
One to one Pilates is really the most effective way to get a clearer understanding on exactly what works for you. Every minute of your Pilates training will be focused on all the crucial points which are relevant to you alone. There is always a lot of useful feedback throughout the length of the session. One to one Pilates also works well for clients who may have an old injury or a disability which may require more individual attention and input. Sessions are usually 1 hour but can sometimes be longer depending on the client’s requirements.
One to one Pilates is very rewarding for me as a Pilates instructor. I find that there is a positive relationship which builds between myself and my client especially if they have been with me for a number of years.
For the individual with myself working with the reformer, small equipment and mat repertoire .
1 x Private (1 person) = $70.00
5 x Private = $315.00
One to one Pilates is very rewarding for me as a Pilates instructor. I find that there is a positive relationship which builds between myself and my client especially if they have been with me for a number of years.
For the individual with myself working with the reformer, small equipment and mat repertoire .
1 x Private (1 person) = $70.00
5 x Private = $315.00
One to One Outdoor Fitness
What better way to reach your fitness goals than in the outdoors having fun! Great results achieved! One to one or buddy up!
These sessions are highly personalised programmes.
1 x Private (1 person) $40.00
5 x Private $180.00
Duet (2 people) $30
5 x Duet sessions $125 each
These sessions are highly personalised programmes.
1 x Private (1 person) $40.00
5 x Private $180.00
Duet (2 people) $30
5 x Duet sessions $125 each